Before the year ended, Telegram pulled out an interesting update comprising useful features and upgrades to existing ones. As a part of the update, users can hide photos and videos from the recipient using the spoiler formatting feature.
The update rolled out on December 30, 2022, so users can now visit Google Play Store to check if there is a pending Telegram update available to access these new features.
Quick Facts
- The messaging app now lets users hide their photos and videos to maintain the mystery of the content and avoid spoilers
- Telegram’s latest update throws in impressive privacy options for users unlike other messaging apps like Whatsapp
- It has added other minor features that make the app easier and handier to use
What is spoiler formatting on Telegram?
Users can now hide photos and videos with a shimmering layer that conceals the content on Telegram through the spoiler formatting feature. The recipient or contact can tap on the media to view the spoiler. This feature was previously limited to text messages on Telegram, but now it also applies to photos and videos.
How to hide photos and videos using spoiler formatting on Telegram?
To use the new hidden media feature, one or more items are first selected from the attachment menu. From the three dots icon on the top-right corner of the selection window, users can tap on the “Hide with Spoiler” option.
This particular feature is unique and different from WhatsApp’s “View Once” feature as it only hides the media shared. Once the recipient views the shimmering content, it is saved on their device and can be shared with other contacts.
What is Telegram’s latest update, and how will it help users?
Telegram’s latest update has several interesting features. From changes in profile photo settings to the introduction of smart drawing tools, the app has ended the year with a bang! Let’s take a look at the new features of the messaging app.
- Zero Storage Usage – It will assist users in saving storage space on their phones. Based on the data shown by the app, users can free up space by deleting content and re-downloading them from the Telegram cloud. There are tools to set up auto-delete for new and existing chats.
- New Drawing and Text Tools – The feature provides efficient drawing tools. The app’s media editor has been completely redressed, and drawing tools have adjusted their width to accommodate the speed of the users.
- Hiding Group Members – Admins of groups with more than 100 members can now hide the member list.
- New Animated Emoji and Progress Animations – Every Telegram user can insert custom animated emoji to text on images even without a Premium subscription. The app now has 10 new packs of custom animated emoji for Premium users too. Interactive emojis now have new effects that cover the whole screen.
- iOS Cache Update – The messaging app has reduced the time it takes to determine the cache size of the app, a feature Android users previously enjoyed
- Topics for All Group Sizes – The “Topics” feature was previously reserved for large group sizes. Still, now it is available for all groups, and the members’ list for group chats comprising more than 100 members can be hidden.
- Public Profile Pictures – Users can choose profile pictures for other contacts visible only to them and set up separate ones – one for contacts and one for the public.
- Profile Pictures for Your Contacts – It is now possible to send profile picture suggestions to other contacts
- Hidden Media – Along with spoiler formatting, Telegram will let a user block certain areas of a photo or video using a blur tool before sending it. Users can adjust the color of the blur brush to suit the image with the Eyedropper tool. The size, font, and background can be changed when adding text to media content.
Spoiler formatting FAQ
How is Telegram’s new spoiler formatting different from secret chats?
All messages in secret chats are only shared between a user and the recipient and the content cannot be forwarded to other contacts. When a user deletes messages on their screen, the recipient will also be ordered to delete them.
Spoiler formatting hides messages only until the recipient views them with a tap. The content, once viewed, can be forwarded to other contacts.
Can a self-destruction timer be used with spoiler formatting?
Absolutely, the spoiler formatting feature can be used on top of a self-destruction timer. Instead of a blur, the image or video is concealed with a shimmering layer. Once the content is viewed, the timer sets in.
Can spoiler formatting be used in group chats?
Yes, Telegram’s “Hide with Spoiler” applies to media sent to both contacts and group chats.