Until recently, WhatsApp had never provided users with the functionality to send messages to a number without saving it as a contact. In the past, if you wished to text a new number, you would need to save it in your contacts and then search for it within WhatsApp Messenger. But in 2022, all of that changed.
Nowadays, numerous methods exist to message someone through WhatsApp without needing to save their contact number! Whether you are looking to WhatsApp without saving a number on android, iPhone or PC, we have mentioned all.
WhatsApp has become a household name, with billions of users worldwide embracing it as their go-to messaging platform. The app allows us to connect with individuals from all over the world without having to pay a dime!
India is currently leading the messaging service industry, with a staggering 400 million users who prefer this particular platform above all others.
Sometimes, individuals may wish to communicate with someone without the hassle of having to add them as a WhatsApp contact. Now, you can chat on WhatsApp without storing someone’s contact details on your phone! All you have to do is enter a unique link into your web browser.
Before sending messages on WhatsApp, you can use the option recommended by it, or an additional app as a substitute. You could also opt for Androidâs text selection menu and send texts without saving the number first.
Here’s How to Send messages to a number on WhatsApp without saving it on PC
In the past, I would save a contact to send one message on WhatsApp, which was completely unnecessary. After all, there’s no point saving that number if it will only be used once! Thanks to the latest WhatsApp update, it is now easier than ever to message someone without having to save their contact details. Here’s a quick and easy way you can do this:
- To send a message on WhatsApp without saving their contact, please enter the below link into your web browser: wa.me/recipientâs number
- When entering the recipient’s number, please ensure to start with the country code and avoid using zeros, spaces, or special characters. e.g. +919876453210
- You can now message someone on WhatsApp without even needing to save their contact information!
How to Whatsapp Without Saving Number on Android or iPhone
Thanks to the Whatsapp new feature of messaging yourself on WhatsApp, you can now message anyone without ever having to save their contact number on your Android or iPhone device. By taking advantage of this user-friendly feature, communication with friends and family has never been easier! Hereâs how this method works:
1. To begin, open the “Message Yourself” chat with your phone number and label it as (you) on WhatsApp. Once you’re done, type or paste the unsaved phone number in the box below and send it as a message to yourself.
2. Now, you’ll notice that any unsaved phone number appears in a blue color within the chat. Now, To message that person without having to save their contact details, tap on the phone number and select âChat with <phone number>â. It’s that simple!
3. Instantly, the separate chat window for that unknown number will appear before you, enabling you to message with ease.
Note: You can also call on that WhatsApp number without adding it to contacts.
Now, you can send messages to a group without adding them as contacts in WhatsApp!
Are you ever in a situation where you need to send message on Whatsapp within a larger list of contacts in a Whatsapp Group? Now, You don’t need to store their contact info in order to reach out via a messaging service. Here’s how it can be done:
- Open the Whatsapp group chat.
- Select the number you wish to text by tapping it.
- You’ll receive a prompt, select the âMessage <phone number>â option to proceed.
Other ways to send message on WhatsApp without saving a number
If you’re seeking for an alternative, third-party applications such as Easy Message provide a perfect solution. With this app, texting any number on WhatsApp is possible without needing to save the contact first! iPhone owners can effortlessly create a shortcut to for the same. Truecaller app is an efficient tool for executing this process with ease.