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  1. Complete useless garbage

    My iPhone twitter app has only

    Explore Settings

    where you claim there is another entry with a check box.

    Very frustrating. Very useless.

    1. Hi Vladimir,

      Twitter app for iPhone does not contain this option. So you need to do it via login in the browser.

      You can watch the added video about iPhone.

    2. You have to log in on and complete the steps there. There you will find the box to uncheck…

  2. Hi Daniel,

    Is there any possibilities that I could see sensitive content in the Twitter app for iPhone? Or i really need to log in to browser to view it?

    1. You have to activate it via Browser. Twitter didn’t add that option in the iOS app.

  3. Concerned User says:

    Teens under 18 can easily remove this default setting and view adult material. Why can you not make the setting unremovable for all that do not verify their age as being over 18?

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