Twitter can be a great resource for learning Japanese, whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner. With so many different people sharing their tips and advice, it can be hard to know who to follow. To help you out, here is a list of the best Twitter accounts for learning Japanese. Enjoy!

11 Best Twitter Accounts for Learning Japanese
Twitter is a great resource for language learners. It can help you find native speakers to talk to, learn new vocabulary, and get exposure to Japanese culture. Here are some of the best Twitter accounts for learning Japanese.
01. Learn Japanese – (@japanesepod101)
Their Twitter handle aims at improving verbal skills in Japanese. You can find Word of the Day, Video lessons, and various course suggestions. You can follow this account if you want to make a better hold on the language.
Most Common Adjectives in #Japanese 🏃⏱️ PS: Learn Japanese with the best FREE online resources, just click here:
— Learn Japanese – (@japanesepod101) June 25, 2022
02. 英会話が苦手な人のメモ(Eikawa ga nigatena hito no memo) (@english_note)
This Twitter account focuses on teaching Japanese to British-English speakers through a blend of formal language and everyday expressions. If you want to learn Japanese and its English translation, you can find plenty of information here.
every now and then/ときどき #英語 #english
— 英会話が苦手な人のメモ (@english_note) June 29, 2022
03. 英文法bot (@jukenglishbot)
This Twitter page focuses on tweeting Japanese grammar daily. It tweets about various essential tweets on grammar, giving its English Translation. It is a good Twitter account for those looking to improve their basics.
— 英文法bot (@jukenenglishbot) June 29, 2022
… enough to do「~するのに十分…」
too … to do「~するにはあまりにも…」
so … as to do「~するほど…」
04. テリー先生 (@real_eikaiwa)
This handle translates Japanese to English. You can get side by side translation of the sentence. Moreover, their account is user-friendly, involving various graphics, thus making the interface interactive. This is a premier account to follow for those who wish to understand Japanese.
— テリー先生 (@real_eikaiwa) February 15, 2022
I’ll let you go now.
iOSアプリReal英会話 音声付き
05. Daily英語.com (@daily_eigo)
The Twitter account tweets daily on new words, phrases, and idioms that can be used regularly. Following this account is a good choice for learners focusing on learning Japanese slowly.
【熟語】 hang on / ちょっと待つ、しがみつく
— Daily英語.com (@daily_eigo) October 30, 2014
06. Sakura Neko Sensei (@ExplainedQuotes)
Sakura Neko Sensei’s Twitter Account teaches Japanese. From articles to day-to-day words, you get it all covered here. It also lists and reviews animes, so if you want some Japanese content to watch, you can look here.
In Japanese, there are many expressions for Warai (laughing or smiling). Warai can come with all sorts of emotion, from happiness to confusion.
— Sakura Neko Sensei (@ExplainedQuotes) June 19, 2022
Here are some example…
07. よく使う英会話文 (@toeic_talking)
This Twitter account is great for learning phrases frequently used in Japanese. This Twitter account gives a basic language layout, along with a simple translation in English. It is an excellent account to follow if you want to improve your speaking skills.
【Nice meeting you.】お会いできてよかったです。[一覧] #英語
— よく使う英会話文 (@toeic_talking) July 16, 2016
08. ジブリ&名作英語BOT (@GhibliEnglish)
This Twitter account is primarily based on the Ghibli Movies. You will get random dialogues converted into Japanese from English. This account gives you a good follow for understanding Japanese sentences- daily on your home feed.
We must survive. Wait for our chance. /生き延びて、機会を待つのだ(ユパ/風の谷のナウシカ)
— ジブリ&名作英語BOT (@GhibliEnglish) June 28, 2022
09. ホントの英会話 by テツロー (@native_speaking)
This Twitter account converts Japanese phrases into English. Following this account gives you an idea of daily used sentences in Japanese. It generally tweets about everyday used sentences in Japan, which is suitable for learning purposes.
I couldn’t stand still/いても立ってもいられませんでした( stand still = じっと立っている、現状にとどまる)
— ホントの英会話 by テツロー (@native_speaking) June 29, 2022
10. Japanese Vocabularies!!! (@Japanese_Vocab_)
This Twitter account gives insights into the daily Japanese Vocabulary. It provides a complete analysis of the word in its tweet and its use in sentences. It also gives the tweets’ English translation. Thus, you can find good content, especially if you are a beginner.
a word in kanji [a word in hiragana]
— Japanese Vocabularies!!! (@Japanese_Vocab_) July 25, 2020
definition in English
part of speech
名詞 noun; e.g. 日本
動詞 verb; e.g. 学ぶ
形容詞 adjective; e.g. 美しい
形容動詞 adjective verb; e.g. 綺麗だ
副詞 adverb; e.g. とても
サ変接続 verb formed by adding “suru” to a noun; e.g. 隔離(+する)
11. MLC Japanese School (@mlcjapanese)
This Twitter account is a Japanese Language School for English Speakers. It contains information regarding various topics- but in Japanese. It also gives the English translation, making it way easier to be understood by English Speakers.
Business Japanese#example #sentences #learn #japanese #learnjapanese #japaneselanguage #lesson #vocabulary #japan #grammar #nihongo #にほんご #日本語 #日本語勉強 #jlpt #businessjapanse #ビジネス日本語
— MLC Japanese School (@mlcjapanese) June 29, 2022
Twitter is an excellent platform for learning and improving new skills. With the help of Best Twitter accounts, you can learn Japanese much easier yet more effectively. Whether you are an Anime Fan, or simply learning a new language, these Twitter accounts, will make it much easier for you to understand the content.