Nowadays, the constantly developing and changing Securities market is inducing people to invest more and more funds in this market. Increased brokerage charges are a well-recognized consequence of such changes.
In respect of investments in securities, best investors are generally followed to reduce the chances of losses. Thus, finding the best investor as per your requirement has become a major task.
This is when social media enters, a source that collects and distributes information, its most reliable platform is Twitter. It has accounts of the best investors who provide guidance for the effective utilization of funds in securities and motivates the public by their own active participation worldwide.

21 Best Investors To Follow On Twitter:
The list of 21 best investors to follow on Twitter is given below:
1. Jeff Rose (@jeffrose):
A certified financial planner has more than 32,000 followers guiding people to create wealth and utilize their funds. He is a provider of financial services and how to manage the stress, anxiety, and rage for the overall growth of his personality. It is one of the best investors to follow on Twitter.
2. Brian Shannon (@alphatrends) :
Brian has been a trader since 1991 helping people to create value through technical analysis and techniques using different timeframes at one time. He has a unique approach to trading. His Twitter feeds are inspiring in many ways.
3. Stock guy 22 (@stockguy22) :
Stock guy has been a pro in trading since 2009 and plays a vital role in promoting trading not only in securities but also in real estate as well. The creativity of the username has also influenced many people to follow.
4. Stocks MD(@StocksMD):
This account provided day-to-day updates on the stock market in a consistent manner and emphasis on opinions rather than financial advice. He also provides insights on financial markets and wall street journals in his feeds.
5. Maya Baratz (@mbaratz):
Maya is a partner in FFNY and provides early advisor updates since 200. Being a female she has very well established herself in this industry and showcases bold statements whenever seems necessary.
6. Timothy Sykes(@timothysykes):
Timothy is currently trading stocks in over 130 countries and working as an educator, opening schools for around 107 all over the world. All the money is dedicated by him to his students. He emphasizes real-time coverage and provides great insights for making money for small companies as well as large investors.
7. Morgan Housel (@morganhousel):
Morgan is the founder of collabfund and has operated from Seattle since 2011. It is one of the best Twitter accounts that provide financial tweets enhancing wealth management.
8. Stocktwits (@ Stocktwits):
This account is one of the most followed finance Pur accounts on Twitter & Lince 2008, Stock wits provide different interesting opinions” on the ongoing financial market and also means how to assess mid-day checks from time to time facilitating Knowledge of people regarding current Trends. There is a loyal following of this account due to good insights with common sense.
9. Steve Burns (@ SJosephBurns):
Steve Burns has joined Twitter for more than 10 years and facilitates Knowledge of Trading to various followers, which are more than 400k currently. He is also known as the founder of which provides various kinds of market information on trading, and financial markets and promotes financial freedom.
10. Peter Brandt (@ PeterLBrandt):
This account provides critical analysis through charts and techniques for different securities which can be traded in the financial sector. Peter is also known as the Author of factors and forms. strong opinions weakly on the Recent Trends in markets since 2011.
11. Market watch (@market watch):
As its name suggests, This account watches the market closely and evaluates the ups and downs in the market. It is a popular and reliable account, which provides advice on finances and relevant news. on the market to make it easier. night decision by investors.
12. Steve Hanke (@Steve Hanke):
He works at Johns Hopkins as an economist. He has a reputation as the top investor on Twitter. well preserved. He has secured the position of Sr. Fellow as Director at the Troubled Currencies Project. He provides information on current news and affairs of the market to make investments on a Larger Scale.
13. Peter Schiff (@ Peterschiff):
He is an Economic Strategist Globally. He is the founder of Schiff Gold and Epa Funds and currently holds the position of Host and owner respectively. He is an American by origin and Provides deep analysis and insights on the financial markets.
14. Scott Redler (@ Red Dog 13):
He is a chief Strategist for T3 live Trading groups. Since 2012, his Twitter account has been popular as a provider of financial news and Trends on Stock markets Changing rapidly. He motivates the investors to invest at the right place and at the right time. This is an appropriate account, which should be followed for motivation and financial advice.
15. J.C. Parets (@ allstarcharts):
If you’re a beginner in the Stock market, the website all-star charts created by J.C. Parets has great reliability to make your investment easier and in the right direction. The Twitter account of J. C. Parets can be followed by beginners to increase their knowledge of stock markets and be updated about the Trends on a regular basis.
16. (@IBD investors):
Investor. com is the most trustworthy and prominent platform to gain insights into the stock market in technical terms. Twitter accounts provide weekly and monthly Tweets on the rising and falling Trend of the financial market for the ease of Investors in order to make informed decisions.
17. Helene Meisler (@hmeisler):
Helen is a writer at Real money. com operating daily column on markets. Her Tweets are a fruitful source of information on finance in respect of markets and expected results in the coming future. She posts views and opinions easily understandable by investors and focuses on the core area of stock Markets. She is a popular mentor and Trader on Twitter.
18. Liz Ann Sonders (@ Liz Ann Sonders):
She is a Chief Investment Strategist contributing ample information on financial decisions in the market, Latest announcements, and evaluation of the market on the basis of loos and Techniques. There is an increase in the number of followers. of Liz amounting to 270,000 currently.
19. Tren Griffin (@trengriffin):
Tren Griffin is currently working at Microsoft and has formerly been a member partner at Eagle River. He enhances financial advice on Private equity as he was a Partner at an equity firm called Craig McLaw.
20. Charlie Bilello (@charlie bilello):
Charlie is an Investor and founder of Compound Capital advisors. He Provides weekly charts analysis of the stock market and works on a blog for sharing innovative ideas.
21. Ian Cassel (@lancassel):
He is a Christian by origin and the founder of Cap Micro club and IntelligentCM. Since 2009, his Twitter account has been providing relevant and consistent information on stock markets and Trends of capital.
How do you find Investors on Twitter?
Finding Investors on Twitter is not as difficult as it seems. Some Research works in the right direction and many investors can be found who have been operating Twitter for decades now.
Firstly, To find best investor on twitter, you should follow the relevant hashtags like #stockmarkets, #stocksToBuy, #Financialgoals, #Investors, #Finance, #stockmarketcrash, #investing, #StockstoTrade, #OptionsTrading, #stockstowatch, #moneytwitter, #growthstocks, #MondayMorning etc. These kinds of hashtags will lead you to the best investor accounts on twitter.
Secondly, There are websites which provide articles on the best investors on Twitter in concise form and brief manner. These articles can be easily searched from google or any browser..
Furthermore, Google scholars provide a wide range of published articles which can be referred to as well to find investors on twitter in a simple form. It is as simple as Google to work on and can help you find the best investors on twitter.
Do Investors use Twitter?
Yes, Investors do use Twitter and many others. years now. Regular updates are posted by many Investors regarding stock markets, Trends, Current news on financial markets, and much more.
The deep analysis is carried out by many eminent investors guiding Their followers to make an informed decision. These accounts can be followed for updated and analyzing views of different investors. Everyone is active on social media sites and Twitter is one such site for knowledge.
We can say that Twitter has become a popular platform for providing financial advice on Trading and investments. The search for various investors will help you lead a balanced portfolio of your investing activities in the stock market.
Investing in this world of financial markets is complex but guidance from these best investors on Twitter who are providing knowledge more about day trading and trading stocks really can help you.