Looking for a little military inspiration? Or maybe you’re just interested in what life is like on the other side of the world for our troops.
Either way, Twitter can be a great resource for keeping up with current events, sharing your thoughts on hot topics, and connecting with other people online.
But if you’re looking for military-specific content, it can be tough to know where to start. That’s why we’ve put together a list of the best military Twitter accounts to follow.
From official government accounts to personal blogs, these feeds offer an inside look at military life from all over the world.
Whether you’re a service member yourself or just a civilian supporter or you want to stay up-to-date on the latest news from the front lines or just learn more about life in the armed forces, these accounts have you covered.
So check them out and start following them today!

21 Best Military Twitter Accounts
So you’re looking to connect with members of the military and veterans on social media. Excellent choice! There are plenty of great military Twitter accounts to follow out there, and we’ve compiled a list of some of our favorites for you.
Here, we have compiled a list of the 21 Best Twitter accounts you can add to your Home Feed.
1. Patrick Donahoe (@PatDonahoeArmy)
Patrick Donahoe is a Magor General in the US Army. His Twitter account covers her own military experiences and views. If you are interested in following a Twitter account of a well-known leader to get opinions on current Military incidents, you can follow this.
Worth a read for those who like naval stuff. https://t.co/8MYW9ofVlY
— Patrick Donahoe (@PatDonahoeArmy) June 30, 2022
2. Crispin Burke (@CrispinBruke)
Crispin Burke is an Army Major in the US Army. The Twitter account has various information related to Cyber Security, Terrorism, internet scammers, and international takes. His Twitter page is full of military insights on daily activities worldwide. Those interested in knowing about Cyber security and other topics can add this Twitter account to their following list.
Thursday, June 30 (Day 127):
— Crispin Burke (@CrispinBurke) June 30, 2022
– 🇷🇺 forces withdraw from Snake Island
– 🇱🇹 to enforce 🇪🇺 sanctions on additional 🇷🇺 goods transiting to Kaliningrad
– 🇱🇹 to host next #NATOSummit
– 🇸🇪 to send $50m of anti-tank weapons to 🇺🇦
– 🇬🇧 to double its military support for 🇺🇦
3. Elsa B. Kania (@EBKania)
Elsa Kania’s Twitter account covers military Reviews. Certified by the U.S.Government, and soon to get a degree in Harvard, her Twitter page consists of personal military reviews on navy and international military Updates. You can consider following this account if you are looking for a good advisor.
The future is here
— RIMPAC (@RimofthePacific) June 29, 2022
Check it out ⬇️ 3 unmanned surface vessels, Nomad, Sea Hunter & Ranger transit the Pacific Ocean to participate in #RIMPAC2022. Unmanned systems provide additional warfighting capability & capacity to augment the #Navy’s traditional combatant force.💪@USNavy pic.twitter.com/Ehd4rKXVqh
4. Drunk Predator Drone (@drunkenpredator)
The account tweets practical observations from its days of continuous ISR operations, occasionally launching one, two, or even three missiles, which happened more frequently. If you are looking for daily updates on the Military, you can consider following this account.
Real life has completely overtaken my capacity for satire. https://t.co/PgWFb6697m
— Drunk Predator Drone (@drunkenpredator) March 23, 2019
5. HMS Enterprise (@HMSEnterprise)
Their Twitter account shares impressive footage of the Military daily. They describe themselves on social media as “pretty much permanently deployed.”.
The RN provides a whole host of trades for people looking to challenge themselves. It’s not all about seeing the world having great adventures – one of these trades is hydrography; using state of the art technology to map the seabed.#ArmedForcesWeek #WomenInSTEM pic.twitter.com/EFQcKAzhzK
— HMS Enterprise (@HMSEnterprise) June 23, 2022
6. XOofXOs (@XOofXOs)
The highly outspoken Army reserve soldier and a federal agent is bridging the “civil-military divide” one Twitter at a time. He tweets on everything, including history and society. The Twitter account is a treat; if you want personal views and military advice, consider following this account.
A) Thanks for insulting generations of Americans who downed tools & plows and went when called.
— XO supports trans kids and 🇺🇦 (@XOofXOs) June 28, 2022
B) Thanks for insulting generations of Americans who were *actual* slaves.
C) Thanks for insulting conscientious objectors.
12 years of service does not entitle you to be a jackass. https://t.co/OxHyo187vm
7. The Grenadier Guards (@GrenadierGds)
The Twitter account gives updates on the daily lifestyle of the Grenadier Guards. If you are interested in knowing the lifestyle of the army and the soldiers, this account is good for adding to your following list.
Time to fly.
— The Grenadier Guards (@GrenadierGds) April 9, 2022
The ability to efficiently deploy air assets to manoeuvre about the battle zone is critical to ground dominance.
Guardsmen are trained to deploy from various modes of transportation, flexibility improves mobility. pic.twitter.com/1fngmx7CAj
8. Assistance Dog Ziggy (@AssistanceZiggy)
This Twitter account is about the lifestyle of a veteran dog. You can find relevant tweets on their page if you are a pet lover and a military enthusiast.
Grab a listen before it goes 1hr 39 my #Veteran talks to @middleagedminx
— Assistance Dog Ziggy 🇬🇧🐾 (@AssistanceZiggy) July 1, 2022
& @annawebbdogs
About the @SoldierOnAwards and much more#NotJustADog
Let me know what you think in the comments below ❤️
Feedback is learning 🐾❤️🐾https://t.co/EhXX6sTFs1
9. 23 Parachute Engineer Regiment (@AirborneSappers)
This Twitter account is for the British Army. Their Twitter page is full of Military related updates, the engineering involved, and about the Army. You can follow this account if you are interested in knowing about the military.
Knock, knock ✊🏼- @AirborneSappers provide mobility, counter mobility and survivability support to @16AirAssltBCT , this includes explosive methods of entry, seen here on Ex PEGASUS HARBAH in Jordan. @Proud_Sappers pic.twitter.com/9xcpj1u2ne
— 23 Parachute Engineer Regiment (@AirborneSappers) June 28, 2022
10. Ship’s Cat (@R08Cat)
The fictional Ship’s Cat, a furry stowaway aboard the HMS Queen Elizabeth, has its own Twitter account. Thie Twitter account gives insight into the naval army.
1/ I’ve just found @DartmouthBRNC’s Ship Tech Lab, complete with very large model ship 😻 This is where Officer Cadets learn some of the science behind ships and the things which affect their stability. It’s hard to resist a little play… #ItWasLikeThisWhenIFoundItChief #STEM pic.twitter.com/IU4AKKwhka
— Ship’s Cat (@R08Cat) January 19, 2020
11. HMS Massive (@HMS_Massive)
This Twitter account is about the British Royal Army. If you are interested in knowing about Royal updates or British Army, you can get all the information on this Twitter account.
The Chiefs’ Mess golf tournament has been temporarily halted while YO’s retrieve misplayed balls.
— HMS Massive (@HMS_Massive) May 29, 2022
📷 @WarshipPorn pic.twitter.com/XaBid3sXl9
12. 42 Commando Royal Marines (@42_commando)
The Twitter account is the official handle for 42 Commando, a subordinate unit within the Royal Marine Brigade. It also uploads training sessions and military updates and shares military news.
It is a good Twitter account to follow if you are interested in knowing the daily activities of an army.
The UK’s and US Navy’s top crime-fighters shared tips with the @RoyalMarines to hone board-and-search skills.
— Royal Navy (@RoyalNavy) April 20, 2022
Experts from @RealNCIS and @NCA_UK worked with @42_commando to prepare them for counter-drug ops in the Middle East with @HMSMontrose
🔗https://t.co/m8QTvzHMkI pic.twitter.com/156NCTNRvX
13. RNAS Yeovilton (@RNASYeovilton)
The Twitter account is the official account of the Royal Navy Air Station. It regularly posts updates regarding aircraft along with military achievements.
It is a premier account to follow if you are interested in knowing about military aviation and its functionalities.
The RN Helicopter Display Team, the Black Cats, being awarded their public display authorisation by Cdre Niall Griffin, CO of RNAS Yeovilton. The 825 NAS Team will display across the UK & Europe this summer. Photos by Rebecca Overton & Michael Coombes. pic.twitter.com/JWLMAkjK6Y
— RNAS Yeovilton (@RNASYeovilton) May 23, 2022
14. Mike Bowden (@Mike_G_Bowden)
Mike Bowen is Red Arrow Pilot. His Twitter account is full of updates regarding his flights, do’s, and don’t that a pilot should know. It is a good Twitter account to follow if you want to learn more about Aircraft and Pilot-related tips.
9PM this evening
— Mike Bowden (@Mike_G_Bowden) January 8, 2020
Was a lot of fun and a great adventure to be part of!! https://t.co/BLVoNhO6y1
15. 5131(BD)Sqn (@RAF_EOD)
It is the sole squadron in the Royal Army Force. They frequently post images of the tools they use to blow things up and the objects they’ve blown up. Military enthusiasts wanting to get insights regarding what is involved can follow this Twitter handle.
It’s #AdventCalendar time again! Day 1
— 5131(BD)Sqn (@RAF_EOD) December 1, 2021
First station I was posted to, first aircraft I worked on and the last time I saw her fly! What a gift it was #harmfulharmless unseen pics to come
Tower this is ghost rider permission to buzz the tower? #topgun #notanaviator pic.twitter.com/9xSzRFjMDI
16. RFA Cardigan Bay (@RGACardiganBay)
The Twitter account is for Bay-class landing ships by the same name. The Twitter account gives daily updates on Royal Navy and facts about their highly agile ships.
It is a good Twitter account to follow if you are interested in learning more about the Navy ships used in an army.
After four years as #OPKIPION‘s Afloat Forward Support Base, Captain Shattock RFA handed over the mantle to @RFALymeBay in his final days as Commanding Officer.
— RFA Cardigan Bay (@RFACardiganBay) May 21, 2021
We wish Captain Jones and his crew the very best during their time in the #Gulf.@UKMCCMiddleEast @RFAHeadquarters pic.twitter.com/VoXkQ6YxgR
17. Duffel Blog (@DuffelBlog)
The Twitter account is a newsletter dedicated to the U.S. Military community. It is a media Twitter account that gives daily updates on National Security. The page also consists of humor-based tweets for the Military that are also insightful.
It is an excellent account to follow if you simply want to learn more about the Military.
NEW: Cyber Commander stands up task force on how to open this PDF https://t.co/lAHuR1bWir
— Duffel Blog (@DuffelBlog) July 1, 2022
18. John Ismay (@johnismay)
John Ismay is a reporter at New York Times and former U.S. Navy EOD. His Twitter account is full of Military related updates, views, and personal experiences. It is an excellent account to follow if you are looking for an expert advisor.
Just found out we’ve lost three EOD Techs to suicide in the past three weeks. There is a 24/7 hotline for Techs, their friends and family at 1.888.412.0470 + the FB group After the Long Walk here: https://t.co/HeZJNMkdaS
— John Ismay (@johnismay) July 10, 2021
Please reach out if you or someone you love needs help
19. Mac William Bishop (@MacWBishop)
Mac Bishop is an Independent journalist. He is also a Marine Infantry veteran. Along with posts on current happenings, his Twitter account is full of his personal experiences in the Military.
You can follow this account if you are looking for a subjective opinion regarding the duties of a soldier.
There’s a story which may well be apocryphal: at an art exhibition in the 1880s the Russian painter Vasily Vereshchagin took General Helmuth von Moltke (the elder) on a tour of the gallery.
— Mac William Bishop (@MacWBishop) July 1, 2020
There he led the general in front of his painting, “The Apotheosis of War,” (1871). pic.twitter.com/jyORGrz5sr
20. Lethality Jane (@LethalityJane)
LethalityJane is the enlisted medication A legitimate representative of the enlisted corps is the unofficial Senior Enlisted Advisor to the unofficial Joint Chiefs of Staff. Her Twitter account covers her personal views and opinion of the military.
Perfect opportunity to mentor young soldiers like they dreamed about at West Point and ROTC.
— Lethality Jane🌻 (@LethalityJane) August 24, 2019
21. Task & Purpose (@TaskAndPurpose)
The Twitter account is covered with news, culture and analysis of the military community. You can find daily updates regarding military, news and inertnational military development.
You can add this account to your following list if you want to get daily updates on the military,
The Army recently awarded a contract for nearly 100 light tanks, but rather than calling them “tanks,” the service is using the term Mobile Protected Firepower vehicles. https://t.co/WslF8iVhtI
— Task & Purpose (@TaskandPurpose) July 1, 2022
Does the U.S. Military Have a Twitter Account?
The Twitter account of the U.S. Army (@USArmy) consists of daily updates regarding the military. It, however, has a set of rules for national security reasons.
What Should Military Not Post on Social Media?
The military should not post specific updates. These include:
- Movement of Military contingents
- Military equipment tank’s performance
- Soldiers are advised not to publicly give full details regarding military/ tactics used in combat/training techniques.
Twitter has become an excellent platform for understanding the Military. You can find various accounts to follow if you are curious about national security measures.
Whether preparing for military-based exams or simply expanding your knowledge, following these Twitter accounts will boost your news information, techniques involved, and different nations’ military security