Making a real estate Twitter marketing strategy should be your top priority as real-estate professionals use Twitter to connect with their audience and share their in-depth expertise and resources.
Are you Looking for inspiration on what kind of content to post for your real estate business, or which best accounts to follow on Twitter to stay up to date with the latest real estate industry news and trends?
We have made a long list of 51 Best Twitter Accounts for real estate, so you never run short of inspiration and any news.

51 Best Twitter Accounts for Real Estate
Following these Twitter accounts will help your social media marketing strategy and build strong relationships with potential clients and a solid online presence for your real-estate business to reach enormous heights of success. We’ve added the 51 Best Twitter Accounts for Real estate.
1. @nardotrealtor (323.6K Followers)
Every real estate expert knows the National Association of REALTORS as the best industry group to join. They share many helpful and latest information for agents, brokers, and executives.
2. @houzz (312.7K Followers)
Houzz’s Twitter feed includes helpful home improvement tips, market insights, and home success stories.
3. @realtordotcom (300.8K Followers) was the second most visited online real estate listing website in 2021. Their Twitter feed posts information on new homes available for sale, tips for buying/selling a house, and market insights on the real estate industry.
4. @realtormag (250.4K Followers)
REALTOR Magazine is the online publication from the National Association of Realtors, which features content from agent tax deductions to useful REALTOR tech tools related to real estate for helping real-estate professionals.
5. @UrbanLandInst (140.1K Followers)
Urban Land Institute studies the impacts of land use and releases reports annually on this Twitter Account with a unique perspective on real estate. Real estate agents can learn a lot from this account.
6. @nytrealestate (129.9K Followers)
NYT Real Estate publishes all the real estate industry updates, the majority of its mortgage and housing industry news related to the Greater New York area.
7. @MSNRealEstate (121.6K Followers)
MSN Real is an online authentic estate-focused news outlet.
8. @HousingWire (119.7K Followers)
HousingWire is a valuable online source of information on U.S housing finance. He shares his insights to help people understand the real estate economy.
9. @kwri (118K Followers)
Keller Williams is a real estate franchise that provides the real estate platform according to their agents’ buyers’ and sellers’ preferences. Their Twitter feed includes content related to Design trends, stories about their exciting clients, company members, consumer surveys, and event highlights.
10. @remax (109.2K Followers)
RE/MAX shares their self-created content like blog posts, infographics, and videos primarily for consumers looking for real-estate industry information and real-estate agents as well.
11.@coldwellbanker (98.1K Followers)
Coldwell Banker is a popular franchise of real estate professionals in North America founded by real-estate entrepreneurs Colbert Coldwell and Benjamin banker. They share information for homeowners, tons of maintenance advice, and business guidance/advice for its members.
12. @Curbed (88.6K Followers)
Curbed is a platform that provides the latest real estate news about sold homes, pricing trends, and beautiful architectures for consumers and businesses.
13. @HouseLogic (76.3K Followers)
House Logic is the best account for homeowners to buy, sell, or maintain their homes.
14. @KellyMitchell (74.4K Followers)
Kelly Mitchell is an award-winning writer and podcaster with a mission to inform agents, brokers, and other real-estate business professionals about the essential news and information on new technology trends, social media opportunities, and everything else that can be useful for their business.
15. @BiggerPockets (67.2K Followers)
Bigger Pockets is a valuable account for real estate investors.
They provide the best resources for real estate investors and have been featured in Forbes. Their Twitter account provides valuable content, tools, and an online community of more than 2,000,000 members to help learn valuable tips, find partners, financing, and deals, and make the best investing decisions possible. BiggerPockets help newbie and experienced investors to find the best knowledge.
16. @tomferry (61.3K Followers)
Tom Ferry is a real-estate coach, trainer, and among the top real estate industry influencers. Through his account, he helps real estate professionals establish successful businesses in the real estate industry.
17. @RealtyTrac (57.2K Followers)
RealtyTrac is an online shop for investors, home buyers & real estate professionals to access foreclosures, auctions, MLS listings & bank-owned homes.
18. @TheBrokeAgent (55.7K Followers)
The Broke Agent is a real-estate humor laugh account for the real estate business. We get insights into and day-to-day experience of real estate agents.
19. @NAHBhome (52.1K Followers)
The National Association of Home Builders shares regular home-building updates, so real-estate agents can stay updated on how the real estate market performs.
20. @MBAMortgage (43.3K Followers)
Mortgage Bankers Association shares updates on home loan-related news and various mortgage-oriented coverage for real estate agents and brokers.
21. @Chris_Smth (37.3K Followers)
Chris Smith is a real-estate expert that provides insights on real-estate business and leadership.
22. @katielance (31.3K Followers)
Katie Lance shares tips and content to make an effective real-estate social media marketing strategy for small real-estate businesses.
23. @chrisdclothier (31.1K Followers)
Christopher Clothier, a Memphis-based real estate investor, entrepreneur, and writer, specialize in helping small and large real estate investors and professionals.
24. @massrealty (30.2K Followers)
Bill Gassett is the owner of Maximum Real Estate Exposure with thirty-five years of experience in the Real Estate industry.
25. @RISMediaUpdates (23.9K Followers)
RIS Media posts original articles about issues, regulatory measures, and other topics of the real-estate industry necessary to agents and brokers,
26. @ApartmentGuide (23.7K Followers)
Apartment Guide is a popular Twitter Account for people looking to rent apartments and shares information for people finding new apartments.
27.@kenashley (21.6K Followers)
Ken Ashley has over two decades of experience as an advocate and advisor for commercial real estate companies.
28. @InvestFourMore (21.4K Followers)
InvestFourMore is the Twitter of real-estate investor Mark Ferguson who shares his expertise in real-estate investments.
29. @amychorew (21K Followers)
Amy Chorew is the VP of Learning for real estate investors, Realogy Expansion Brands, Authors, Speakers, and REALTOR.
30. @MarkoRubel (19.9K Followers)
Marko Rubel is a real estate agent who educates people about the investment aspect of the real estate industry. He offers many educational videos explaining the unique sides of real estate investing.
31. @LauraMonroe (18.7K Followers)
Laura Monroe is a real-estate media strategist and publication director of Inman, a popular online real estate marketing resource.
32. @retipsterseth (14.6K Followers)
Seth Williams is the founder of the real-estate blog REtipster and shares home, market, and buyer tips for consumers and real estate investors.
33. @vegashomepro (13.2K Followers)
Debbie Drummond is a las vegas realtor who shares links to lots of resources for real estate agents.
34. @XavierDeBuck (11.7 K Followers)
Xavier De Buck, a top real estate agent, shares his international perspective in the upcoming Johannesburg, South Africa market.
35. @seancarp (11.5K Followers)
Sean Carpenter is a real estate agent and international speaker who educates real-estate agents and solves real estate industry problems.
He was awarded the title of 100 Most Influential Leaders in Real Estate.
36. @laniar (11.5K Followers)
Lani Rosales is the COO at The American Genius, a popular news source for real-estate entrepreneurs.
37. @nobuhata (11K Followers)
Nobu Hata has been in the real estate industry since 1996. He shares updates on real estate sales, communications, marketing, and consumer trends.
38. @dukelong (11K Followers)
Duke Long is known as the most quotable and famous person in the real estate industry with an unfiltered way of expressing his views on real estate.
39. @LeighBrown (10.5K Followers)
Leigh Thomas Brown is one of the best vocal leaders in the real estate industry. She shares her business views, thoughts, and opinions with brokers and real estate agents through her Twitter account.
40. @robhahn (9705 Followers)
Robert Hahn is a marketer, blogger, strategist, and social media guru. His blog, NotoriousRob, covers all things real estate topics and current updates.
41. @placester ( 9136 Followers)
Placester helps real-estate marketers develop their customized real-estate websites with impressive modern designs within less time.
42. @CandaceETaylor (9092 Followers)
Candace Taylor is a famous reporter and editor who covers real-estate industry news for the Wall Street Journal.
43. @TBoard (8168 Followers)
Teresa Boardman is a Minnesota-based agent, broker, and blogger who writes on various topics, from contacting lenders to tips on office décor.
44. @PropertyShark (8052 Followers)
PropertyShark empowers real estate professionals with the updates, market reports, studies, tools, and data they need for growth and closing more deals.
45. @RochesterREBlog (7444 Followers)
ROC Real Estate Blog is a Top real estate blog (Rochester, NY) and an excellent source for information on real estate.
46. @aaronnblock(7254 Followers)
Aaron Block is a venture capitalist with a keen interest in real estate technology.
47.@PaulMarkMorris (7071 Followers)
Paul Morris is a business coach, entrepreneur, and regional director of Keller Williams real-estate franchise. He receives worldwide respect for his real estate industry and business-building skills.
48.@HousecallBlog (6438 Followers)
Housecall is an official RISMedia blog and a popular resource in the real estate world. It shares articles on topics from tech developments to ideas about buying and selling real estate properties.
49.@rentometer (3624 Followers)
Rentometer helps real estate investors find market rent rates and data from the U.S. It’s a handy tool for investors to avoid unnecessary losses and increase ROI. Their Twitter feed is full of practical consultation and tips to help new and novice real estate investors learn about the rental property world.
50.@InmanAndrea (3296 Followers)
Andrea V. Brambila is a Deputy editor @InmanNews. She posts links to news stories that impact the real estate world.
51.@CapterraRE (762 Followers)
Capterra Real Estate Twitter account helps to find which real estate agency software can make life better for real-estate professionals and provide valuable tips.
Is Twitter Good for Real Estate?
Yes, Twitter is full of experts from the real-estate industry who use this platform to grow their brand and business by implementing a robust social media marketing strategy.
Twitter keeps real-estate agents, brokers, investors, and consumers up-to-date with the latest trends, resources, and news in seconds from the real estate industry.
Real-estate businesses can generate leads and make helpful contact for their real-estate project. Real-estate professionals share their years of expert knowledge and opinions for new investors and agents.
Not just for Real-estate professionals, Even people can get tips, information on the best properties to buy, or ideas for new home decors.
What Social Media Should Real Estate Agents Use?
Choosing a particular social media platform depends on the marketing goals of real-estate agents. If they want to build their connections with potential clients and other real estate professionals in your field, LinkedIn is the best perfect.
If they want to promote their real-estate listings creatively, Instagram and Twitter are the best two options. A strategic plan is necessary to plan a posting schedule whose results can be tracked.
How Do You Sell Real Estate on Twitter?
Twitter is the best tool for selling real-estates to potential clients.
Before selling, Real-estate agents should focus on providing their potential audience with valuable content. They should not post all content about promoting their projects. Here are ways real estate agents can engage and provide value to their Followers.
- Post high-quality pictures of their properties.
- Add embedded links to listings, blogs, and website content.
- Share Links to other popular real-estate accounts.
- Post Tweets about the real-estate business and self-created marketing resources, tips, and ideas for people looking to buy a new property.
- Choose some best times to tweet in a day based on your property location and target audience location.
- Engage with other relevant business accounts and followers.
- Always use your niche-specific relevant hashtags.
Which Social Media Platform Is Best for Real Estate Marketing?
No single platform is best, as every social media platform has different features and algorithms. It depends on a business’s need to choose a specific platform that completes its goals. Here are the three best social media platforms suitable for real estate marketing.
- Twitter is a much-needed social media tool for real estate agents because of its size and immense influence. It allows everyone to share images and videos and connect with current and former customers, professional peers, and anyone else in your industry.
- Facebook – One cannot neglect Facebook as a real estate agent if you want to build a strong network and can advertise on Facebook to connect with potential leads and generate significant revenue.
- Instagram – Instagram works fantastic for real estate agents because it is all about visuals that realtors can share to draw the attention of potential clients. Scheduling Instagram posts target your locale and increase awareness of your brand.
Twitter is a big platform, so we have tried to include mostly all famous faces from the real-estate industry. We promise that you will get access to the best content from the real-estate world. Make sure to include these accounts in your Twitter account if you don’t want to miss any helpful updates from real estate.