There are times when a user posts a tweet and later he realizes that there is an error or typing error in the tweet. Twitter does not allow its users to edit their tweets once they are posted.
So the only option left is to Delete the tweet and create a new tweet after omitting the error from the tweet.
There are also other reasons why people want to delete their tweets, maybe they want to remove a tweet that is offensive or maybe the users want to remove all their tweets to start their account new with different content.
In this article, we’ll tell you how to delete a tweet from Twitter’s website or app.

How to Delete a Tweet Using Twitter’s Desktop Website
Deleting a tweet from your account using Twitter’s desktop website is an easy and quick process. All you need to do is follow the steps mentioned below.
STEP 1 – Open Twitter on your desktop and login into your account.
STEP 2- On the top left-hand side, there is a profile icon, click on it. And then click on the profile option.
STEP 3 – Find the tweet that you want to delete on your profile page. The tweet that you want to delete can be easily separated by tapping on it.
STEP 4 – Tap on the three horizontal dots located at the top right corner of the tweet. A drop-down menu list will appear.

STEP 5 – From the menu list, tap on delete, and then finally a dialogue box will appear asking for your confirmation to successfully delete it.
How to Delete a Tweet on the Mobile App
You can also Delete your tweet if you’re using Twitter on your mobile app. It’s just a matter of a few clicks and steps that are mentioned below.
How to Delete a Tweet on Iphone
To delete a tweet on your iPhone, go through the steps mentioned below.
STEP 1 – Open Twitter on your iPhone and login into your Twitter account using your credentials.
STEP 2 – On the top left-hand side, tap on your profile icon.

STEP 3 – Then tap on the profile option.
STEP 4 – Find the tweet that you want to delete and Tap on the three horizontal dots icon located in the top right corner of the tweet. A list of three options will appear.
STEP 5 – Tap on the delete tweet button in the list that appears.
Finally, tap on delete to confirm and successfully delete the tweet.
How to delete a tweet on Android
To delete a tweet using the mobile app on your android just follow the steps mentioned below.
STEP 1 – Open the Twitter app on your phone and login into your account using your credentials.
STEP 2 – On the top left-hand side, click on the profile icon.
STEP 3 – From the menu that appears tap on the Profile Option.
STEP 4 – Find the tweet that you wish to delete.

STEP 5 – On the top right corner of the tweet, click on the three horizontal dots icon.
STEP 6 – Simply tap on delete tweet from the Options that appear.
Click on Delete to confirm and successfully delete the tweet and if you wish to not delete click on Cancel.
What happens when you Delete a tweet?
When you delete a tweet, the tweet gets removed from your account. It gets removed from the timeline of the accounts that follow you, from the Twitter search results on, Twitter for iOS, and Twitter for Android.
The Retweet of your tweet will also be removed from Twitter’s website and the Twitter application for iOS and Android.
The tweets data, content, and the associated meta links also get deleted once the tweet is deleted and no information is available about the tweet after that.
If someone has copied the contents of your tweet and pasted it to their own tweet then it will not be deleted. Also, if someone has commented on a Retweet of your tweet, their tweets will also be not removed.
Twitter cannot remove the tweet if your tweets are posted on third-party websites, which means Twitter would only be able to remove the tweet from Twitter and not from any other websites.
Can I Delete a Tweet From Someone Else Account?
No, you can’t delete a tweet from someone else’s account, you can only delete the tweet from your own account. Although you can delete a Retweeted tweet that you have on your timeline.
You can remove the Retweeted tweet from your timeline just by clicking the undo the Retweet button. Remember, only the original owner of the tweet can remove the original tweet.