Sometimes we want to mention people in our stories without having their usernames take up too much space. This article will show you how to tag someone in your Instagram story without it showing. You could make your Instagram stories stand out by applying these techniques to hide the names of the profiles you tag. Everyone who is mentioned will nevertheless be notified and can readily repost your story afterward.

Can You Tag Someone on Instagram Story Without Them Knowing?
No, you can’t tag someone on Instagram Story without them knowing about it. Once you have mentioned someone in your story, they will immediately receive the notification.
How to Tag Someone on Instagram Story Without Their Name Showing
Here are the two most common ways to tag someone in your Instagram story without having their handle take up space, and you can secretly tag them in your story :
Hide the tag with a sticker
You must first tag the person to add a sticker to hide their profile username. Next, select a solid-colored sticker by tapping the Sticker option and clicking Done. The sticker may then be moved and covered by tapping and holding it in place.
Add a shared post to hide the tag
You may mention your friends in the narrative without their usernames appearing if you’ve posted an Instagram post to your story. Tap and hold the shared post to move it over the name once you’ve added the mention.
You may cover the name by using the shared post directly rather than a sticker.
Drag the tag Off the Phone Screen’s Edges
To adjust the given username, tap and hold it as usual. This time, slide it off the edge of your phone’s screen until it is completely hidden. It could take some practice to do this, but hiding a tag is a foolproof method.
How Do You Hide Tags in a Story?
Hiding tags in a story is easy, as you can drag the tag off the phone screen’s edges. This is done by adjusting the size of the tag to a minimum and sliding it off the edge of your screen until it hides completely. You can also hide a tag by using a solid or semi-transparent sticker on Instagram.
Can Someone See if You Tag Them in a Story?
Yes, the person you tag in your story will be able to see it. On Instagram, tagging someone makes them the first to see your story since they’ll get a notification that you’ve tagged them along with a link to the original story.
Now you know how to tag someone on Instagram without it showing. You can choose to hide the tag with a sticker or simply drag off the mentioned name across the edge of your smartphone’s screen till it’s not visible anymore. We hope this simple guide helped you understand hiding names while you tag people in your Instagram stories.