Memes are one of the most popular types of content that are shared on the internet. And if you are bored and looking for something to do, have a quick laugh with these best meme Twitter accounts!
These Memes provide instant laughs and can be shared with friends to make their day even better.
These accounts create hilarious tweets that will make you laugh out loud. There’s something about the internet that always brings out people’s creativity. If you’re feeling down, or just want to have some fun, check out these 15 Best Meme Twitter Accounts to Follow:

1) Name, @moretylenol (24.8k followers)
This account posts a range of different varieties of memes. Sometimes they get relatable and a little broken but never fail to at least make you sniff out air from your nose.
me passing a car with a dog sticking its head out the window
— Name (@moretylenol) June 8, 2021
2) WhitePeopleHumor, @whitememejesus (48.3k followers)
He is a guy who embodies the ongoing messy frenzy in the form of memes. They are to the point, succinct and hilarious. You’d be doing yourself a favor by following him. Here is a tweet he posted post US Elections:
When our 78 year old president falls and all of your years of meme training are finally about to come together
— WhitePeopleHumor (@whitememejesus) March 19, 2021
3) Condescending Wonka, @OhWonka (329.1k followers)
Wholesome Wonka is here to give you all a reality check and make you laugh on the way. This account has the funniest, most subtle, and relatable memes. You should definitely give it a follow.
— Condescending Wonka (@OhWonka) August 8, 2016
4) Death Star PR, @DeathStarPR (332k followers)
If you are a Star Wars fan and you don’t know about this page, you are missing a lot of good content. The way the admin presents the daily life problems and solves them in a Jedi way is an art.
When my side is staging a coup VS when the other side is staging a coup.
— Death Star PR (@DeathStarPR) January 7, 2021
5) Medieval Reactions, @MedievaIReact (37.6k followers)
This account is the best reaction meme account on Twitter. The owner compares day-to-day life problems to the paintings of medieval times and the results are pretty hilarious.
When your homie blacks out at the party you’ve been at for 30 minutes
— Medieval Reactions (@MedievaIReact) March 22, 2015
6) Funny Or Die, @funnyordie (13.2 million followers)
The owner of the page is the A-list comedian Will Ferrell making it the must-follow page on Twitter for loads of laughter every day.
when i drop my phone and it doesn’t crack
— Funny Or Die (@funnyordie) July 21, 2021
7) Kale Salad, @kalesalad (214.3k followers)
So, this account doesn’t make memes but shares the funniest memes from different meme accounts on Twitter. Check out the collection of memes and give it a follow.
When you tried all the angles and lighting is amazing but the selfies still come out ugly
— Aqib (@Tumharaabbu) December 31, 2018
8) Crap Taxidermy, @CrapTaxidermy (168.6k followers)
If situational comedy were a Twitter account, this would be it. The account posts the best reaction memes of all time using pictures of cute animals.
When the annoying kid running around the restaurant finally cracks his head on a table…
— Crap Taxidermy (@CrapTaxidermy) October 14, 2020
9) FeministTaylorSwift, @feministtswift (70.6k followers)
This account deserves all the followers it could get. If you are a woman, you will find it hilarious and the most relatable meme page on Twitter. The page takes up a few lines from Taylor swift songs and transforms them into some revolutionary humor.
vs voting in 2020
— FeministTaylorSwift (@feministtswift) November 8, 2020
See also: Top 20 Most Followed Twitter Accounts
10) Ken Jennings, @KenJennings (473.3k followers)
This guy is the king of Dark Humor and exclusive jokes about everyday life. He will pick up the most random pictures and make the funniest tweets out of them.
Yeah, I just started a book IN THE MIDDLE. Stupid strawberries.
— Ken Jennings (@KenJennings) July 17, 2021
11) Elizabeth Windsor (Parody), @Queen_UK (1.5 million followers)
As the name suggests, it is the parody account of Queen Elizabeth. It posts the funniest political memes and classic one-liners that will make you laugh out loud.
Oh sweet mother of Jesus.
— Elizabeth Windsor (parody) (@Queen_UK) April 30, 2021
12) Superman, @SupermanTweets (66.5k followers)
This is the parody account of superman and you will love the way he can make everything look funny.
My first ever tweet.
— Superman (@SupermanTweets) April 21, 2021
More than 11 years old.
Shall I put it on sale as an NFT?
13) The Oatmeal, @Oatmeal (646.4k followers)
The Oatmeal makes cute memes along with wholesome comics. The tweets are the real stress-busters. Show some love to the page.
I just checked the urinal. I’m happy to report that my mural is still intact
— The Oatmeal (@Oatmeal) July 19, 2021
14), @memes (159k followers)
This account posts the funniest memes and they will always leave you jumping on your seat and shout- “SAME!”
— (@memes) November 12, 2018
15) Funny Memes, @memeadikt (149.4k followers)
The accounts post memes daily based on real-life situations which make it funny and relatable.
All fun and games till I pull a muscle
— Funny Memes (@memeadikt) July 21, 2021
Related: 20 Funniest Twitter Accounts to Follow