Twitter and Facebook change their policies frequently. Before 2018, it was easy for people to link Facebook with Twitter to cross-post simultaneously on both platforms.
In 2018, Twitter changed some policies that stopped automatic tweet posting with Facebook. Old steps are no longer valid. Earlier, accessing Facebook account links from the Twitter profile was easy.
Still, we can easily connect our Twitter accounts to our Facebook accounts and Facebook pages. Users can navigate from Facebook to Twitter through the click link.
Cross-posting is not possible directly by connecting both platforms’ accounts. Marketers use third-party apps and other social media platforms to post simultaneously.

How to Link Your Twitter Account to Your Facebook Account?
Link Twitter to your Facebook account with these easy-to-follow steps.
Once you implement these steps, Your linked Twitter profile will appear on your Facebook account.
- Go to your apps section and tap on the Facebook app icon.
- Login in to your Facebook account by adding a username and password.
- On the left side of your profile page, click on the “Edit Details” option.
- The Social Link section will be visible towards the end.
- Click on the edit icon.
- Tap on the ” Add a social link ” button.
- Select the Twitter option.
- Copy your user name from your Twitter account and save it here.
How to Link Twitter to a Facebook Business Page?
Link your Facebook page with your Twitter profile with these easy steps in seconds. Once you implement these steps, your linked Twitter account will appear on your business page.
- Login to your Facebook profile.
- Open the Facebook page you want to connect with your Twitter account.
- Click on the ” About” section of the page.
- Select the ” Edit page info” option. Then the edit page info section will pop up on your screen.
- Scroll down.
- From other accounts options, select the Twitter option.
- In the box, add your Twitter username.
- Your account link will get added to the page.
Can’t Connect Twitter to Facebook? What to Do?
After the policy change in 2018, it became difficult for users to connect Twitter and share tweets on Facebook simultaneously. Users can now add Twitter account links that can drive people from Facebook to their profiles.
Also, users can indirectly connect to Twitter and Facebook with the help of other platforms.
Instagram and third-party apps help people to share Facebook status updates on Twitter. We will discuss three steps people use to cross-post on Twitter and Facebook.
Step 1 – Use Instagram to Post Simultaneously on Twitter and Facebook
First, connect Instagram with your Facebook and Twitter accounts.
- To do this, log in to your Instagram Account.
- Tap on your profile pic.
- Click on the Settings option.
- Scroll down and click on the “Accounts Center” option.
- Tap on the ” Add Facebook account” option. Instagram directs you to your profile page if you are not logged in.
- Add your Facebook account that you want to link.
- Click on yes and finish the set-up process.
- Add your Twitter profile to Instagram by following the same steps. Login with your Twitter username and password.
- When you post anything on Instagram, it will ask for your permission to post on Twitter and Facebook.
- Once you authorize the app, Instagram will post on Twitter and Facebook simultaneously.
Step 2 – Use Facebook Business Suite
You can also use the free publishing tools of Facebook Business Suite to send status updates simultaneously from Facebook to Instagram. Posts appear on Twitter when you link your account with Instagram. You can follow these steps.
- Login to your Facebook Profile.
- Open your Business Page.
- On the left side, Tap on the “Publishing Tools” option.
- The Facebook business Suite will open.
- On the extreme left corner, Tap on the “post and stories” option.
- You will see the “Publish on Instagram” option. Select your Instagram account.
- You can add content such as texts, photos, and videos to yours.
- Once you create your Facebook posts, click on the Publish Button. Your updates will be cross-posted on Instagram.
- To post on the Twitter feed, Connect Instagram with your Twitter profile and permit by following Step 1.
Step 3 – Use Third-party Apps to Post Simultaneously on Twitter and Facebook
To post on Twitter and Facebook at a time, Marketers use third-party apps such as Later, Hootsuite, and Buffer. These are social automation software.
Connecting Twitter and Facebook accounts through these apps is very easy. These are paid apps at affordable prices. Add all the relevant details about your posts. Auto-post on these social media platforms with a single click.
- If you are using Buffer, create a profile and sign in.
- Connect your Twitter and Facebook accounts in Buffer.
- Creators can design their posts in different formats.
- You can also schedule your posts.
How to Unlink Twitter Account to Facebook?
It’s easy to unlink a Twitter account from a Facebook profile or Page. You can follow these steps.
- Enter your login credentials on Facebook and tap on your profile page.
- From the left, click on the “Edit Details” option.
- Remove your connected account from the Social Links Section, and save changes.
- Open the Facebook page.
- Scroll down to the ” About” section of the page.
- Click on the ” Edit page info” option.
- At the bottom, your connected Twitter link will be visible.
- Tap on the cross icon to remove your account.
We can conclude that it has become easy to link Facebook and Twitter. Brands, business, bloggers, and marketers publish their content on Twitter and Facebook.
Advanced social media automation tools like Buffer and Hootsuite make it easy to link Facebook with Twitter. There are other tools available such as Semrush and Publer, for cross-posting.