Tagging someone on Twitter is a great way to get their attention. It can also be a way to start a conversation with them, or to let them know about something you think they might be interested in. To get your messages or questions to certain people and increase your reach, you can use tagging options.
Users can tag different people/profiles in their tweets, whether text or pictures, but not everybody is aware of this. Therefore, In this article, we’ll tell you all about tagging and how you can tag someone on Twitter.

Can I tag anyone on Twitter?
Yes, you can tag anyone on Twitter as long as you haven’t blocked or muted them and are not blocked/ muted by them. If you’re blocked, their Twitter profile will not be visible to you. Same as well, if you have blocked them. Mentions are only visible if you do it from a public account.
What does it mean to tag on Twitter?
To tag someone on Twitter means you’re trying to amplify your messages or involve that person in the conversation. You can tag people in tweet posts or photos.
What happens when you tag someone on Twitter?
For example, if you want to let someone know about a specific event or issue and include them in the discussion, you can use their Twitter usernames to tag them. When you tag someone on Twitter, they will know that you have referred to them, and you will have their attention.
Tagging someone on Android and iOS
Tagging someone on both Android and iOS devices is very similar. Here’s how you can tag on Tweet post and Twitter photo.
On Tweet Post
To tag someone on Tweet post on Android and iOS devices, follow these instructions:
1. Press the Compose tweet icon. It is a feather with a plus sign on the right-hand side in the bottom corner just above your direct message.
2. Type what you want for your Tweet, followed by a space, then type symbol @, followed by a few letters of the account’s username that you want to tag, and choose the profile from the list of options
3. Next, you’ll be able to see the profile name in blue, which means the profile is tagged.
4. Now, press the tweet icon, and your tweet is shared. The profile you have tagged will receive a notification and see that you have tagged.
On Twitter Photo
Open your app and follow these instructions to tag someone on a Twitter photo that you’re going to tweet.
1. Press the Compose tweet icon. (It’s a feather with a plus sign in the bottom right corner, just above your DMs).
2. Select and upload the photo that you’re going to tweet. After the picture is uploaded, you’ll see an option Who’s in this photo at the bottom left side of your screen. Tap on it.
3. The people you’ve interacted with recently, their profiles will appear. If the profile you want to tag is visible, you can select it or search for their profiles via the search box using the first few letters of their names.
4. After you select the profile, press on the Done option. All the profiles you tagged will be visible where you located this photo.
5. Press tweet after tagging all the profiles and share your tweet. Tagged people will receive notifications and be able to see the tweet and interact.
Tagging someone on a Twitter Videos
Tagging someone on Twitter videos is common to adding tags on photos. Follow these steps:
1. Launch Twitter and click on the Compose Tweet option.
2. Select the Video that you want to tweet. Write anything about the video you’re going to tweet and enable your location.
3. Click on the option Who’s in this video and select the profiles from the list that appears. If the profile is not available in the list, you can also search by typing a few letters of the username and selecting.
4. Select all the people’s profiles you want to tag and tap on the option tweet.
5. Next, your tweet video is shared, and all the people tagged will get notifications that you’ve tagged them.
Tagging someone on Twitter’s website on PC
To tag someone on Twitter’s website on your PC. Follow the below-mentioned steps:
on Tweet Post
1. Go to twitter.com on your PC and login into your account.
2. You have two methods to tweet. You can tweet from the what’s happening section on the homepage or from the tweet option located in the bottom left of the menu on your screen
3. Type the Tweet, give space, and type @ symbol. Next, type the username to tag and select the person’s profile from the suggestions list
4. All the profiles that you tagged will appear alongside your texts in the tweet
5. Now, click on the tweet option on the right side corner, and your tweet will be published.
On a Twitter Photo
1. Click on the first option at the bottom of the tweet section and upload the photo you’re going to tweet. Next, click on the icon Tag people at the bottom-left of the picture.
2. Profiles of people with whom you’ve recently interacted will appear. If the profile you want to tag is visible, select it, or you can search for their profiles using the first few letters of their names in the search box.
3. Every profile tagged profile will be visible in the bottom-left corner of the photo, wherein Tag people offer was previously available.
4. Tag all the people you want and then click on the Tweet option.
Can we tag on Twitter without using @?
Yes, it is possible to tag on Twitter without using @ symbol. Twitter recently issued a new feature that allows us to tag a person without using @ symbol. You can open Twitter, select the tweet option, insert a particular image, and tag on it.
When you tag someone on Twitter, do they see it?
Whenever you tag someone on Twitter, that person will receive a notification in their notification section and will be able to view the tweet and engage.
Twitter photo tagging not working 2022? Or why can’t I tag someone on Twitter?
Such an issue usually occurs when you enable specific settings in the Twitter profile. The tag option is set to public by default, but if you change it to private, you will be unable to tag those people who are blocked.
This article explains how you tag someone on Twitter and increase your engagement and reach. Twitter always has something to discuss, and you can stay in the loop and bring the topic to your known ones using the tagging feature. I hope you find this article useful.