Twitter can suspend its users to keep the platform friendly for a wider audience. There are several criteria under which Twitter may ban or suspend people. These include hate speech, harassment, online bullying, and several others.
These bans often last for about 24 hours, with more severe cases getting banned permanently.

Your Twitter account can also get suspended for a short period in case you tweet too much in a short time interval. This has been implemented to take action on bots that plague the platform. Twitter users can also appeal to get their accounts back.
Are you tired of waiting for your account to be reinstated? Then the tools listed in this article should help you check suspended accounts quite easily on any platform.
Can you See a Suspended Twitter Account?
You can check your or others’ suspended Twitter accounts in just a few simple steps. While the process may seem a bit intimidating at first, following the instructions listed in the next sections should help you to get started with checking suspended Twitter accounts.
First, let’s take a look at some of the things you need to keep handy in order to see tweets from suspended Twitter accounts.
To continue this process, you will first need access to any Desktop browser with support for ‘bookmarklets’. This is a handy feature in modern desktop browsers that allows you to run JavaScript commands on a webpage with a single click.
Here are the things you need to see Tweets from suspended accounts-
- Access to the Twitter handle of the suspended account.
- A desktop PC with Chrome, Firefox, or Edge browser.
With these simple prerequisites, you can get started with the process by following the detailed steps in the next section.
How to See a Suspended Account on Twitter?
Generally, there are two ways in which you can check suspended accounts on Twitter. The first process involves using bookmarklets, and the second way is to use one of the several online services that allow you to view deleted Tweets.
Let’s look at how you can add a bookmarklet and see Tweets from suspended accounts.
STEP 1: Open your preferred browser and tap on the three vertical dots in the top right corner.

STEP 2: Next, tap on “Bookmarks” and then “Bookmark manager” from the popup.

STEP 3: On the page that comes up, tap on the three vertical dots in the top right corner.

STEP 4: Select “Add new bookmark”
STEP 5: Enter a convenient name that you can remember in the “Name” section, and enter the command listed below in the “URL” section.
javascript:q = "" + (window.getSelection ? window.getSelection() : document.getSelection ? document.getSelection() : document.selection.createRange().text); if (!q) q = prompt("Please enter a Twitter handle", ""); if (q!=null) location="*/" + escape(q).replace(/ /g, "+"); void 0
STEP 6: Tap on “Save” to keep the bookmark for later use.

STEP 7: Once done, drag and drop the new bookmark under the address bar for easier access.
With the bookmarklet saved, the next steps involve finding the exact Twitter handle of the user that you’re trying to check on.
Open the Twitter feed of the suspended account and follow the steps listed below.
STEP 1: Tap on the bookmarklet that you created earlier.
STEP 2: Enter the exact Twitter handle of the suspended account without the “@”.

STEP 3: Once done, press enter and wait for the Wayback Machine webpage to load.
STEP 4: You can now select the most recent date before the account suspension from the calendar and access the webpage as it was on that date.

STEP 5: Tap on the date and time you’re trying to access.
STEP 6: The Twitter page should load up without any issues, and you should be able to view all the tweets from that account.
How Does it Work?
The bookmarklet used in the previous steps opens the Wayback Archive to check for older snapshots of the suspended Twitter account. This service captures “images” of websites to be viewed later, even after long gone.
The bookmarklet conveniently redirects you to the archived records of the suspended Twitter account and their tweets.
How long do Twitter Accounts Get Suspended for?
Generally, Twitter accounts get suspended or put in “Twitter jail” for a few hours, a few days, or get banned entirely, depending on the severity of the misconduct.
During the Twitter suspension, the affected account cannot tweet, comment, or use Twitter as you normally would. This platform also offers users to appeal for the removal of the suspension.
How can I see my Suspended Twitter Followers?
Twitter does not allow users to see which followers are suspended directly without individually checking their profiles. Suspended users also cannot view their list of followers until they get their account reinstated.
Also, new users following a suspended account don’t reflect on the follower count until the account is reactivated.
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Hey, need help! I just did whats in this article. But, the last step after Twitter ID it said “Wayback Machine has no archived that URL”. Disappointed! What should i do now?