Getting a celebrity to follow you on Twitter can be tough. It’s difficult to get your voice heard amongst the millions of other voices that are out there and it seems like celebrities have little-to-no interest in following back anyone at all. But sometimes, if you’re lucky, you’ll find an account with “verified” next to its name – this means that it belongs to one of those famous people who is verified by Twitter as being genuine and not fake!

9 Ways to Get a Celeb to Follow You on Twitter
This blog post will show you how to increase your chances of getting a celeb (or any celebrity for that matter) to follow you back on Twitter!
1. Find a celebrity that you are interested in following and then do a little research on them
See what they tweet about, and follow their recent posts to see if it is something you want to be interested in! Once you find someone that suits your fancy, click the Follow button at the top of Twitter or tap the new follower’s tab under Following so you can start following them right away!
2. Search for their Twitter handle and follow them
Find the celebrity’s Twitter handle. This can be done by searching for them on Google and clicking “Search Tools” to get web results, or using their name in the search bar of Twitter itself.
Learn How to change you twitter handle
3. Do not @ them unless they have specifically asked to be followed back, as this may seem like spam.
It’s easy to follow celebrities on Twitter. All you have to do is click the Follow button from their profile page! If a celebrity doesn’t want followers, they’ll select an option other than ‘Follow back’ when adding people as follows. It’s best not @ them unless they specifically ask for it or are otherwise asking for fan interaction using #askmeanything etc., as this may seem like spamming.#
If we previously said that following someone means clicking “follow,” then what does unfollowing someone means? We can say: Unfollowing a celebrity just requires another click of the “unfollow” button in Settings (in your main menu). This will stop sending notifications and show no posts by that person.
4. Tweet at the celebrity with a message about why you want to follow them or what they mean to you
Include a link to the celebrity’s Twitter account, or better yet, create your own tweet for them.
Post photos of their work and talk about how it has affected you in some way. They’ll be more likely to follow back if you show that they’ve influenced your life somehow.
If they don’t seem like someone who would want to connect with fans (i.e., reality TV star), then try using words that will grab their attention instead: “I’m not usually one for following celebrities on social media– but I noticed you were opening up new shops around town! One popped up near my office so I wanted to share what interesting things caught my eye.” This is direct and shows why they should care about your tweet.
Be respectful when asking for a follow-back and never spam the celebrity with messages, or they will probably ignore you!
5. Take a screenshot of your tweet to them and add some emojis or other text
[[Sender]] I’m a big fan! 😊🌹 💮 😁👍 👏🙏☝️ ☀️ ❤️ ⚽️❌➡✔ ✖️⁉♛ •̷͈̥̯•‼︎
– [[Mentioned Person’s name]] (@name) July 16, 2021″ >
The screenshot of the tweet should be at least 320px wide and show your full message. If you have more than one line in your tweet, do not make them all fit within on screenshot – rather share them as screenshots in succession. You can also take a picture of yourself holding up an index card with your message on it.
6. Follow the account’s tweets and favorite some of their posts
Make sure you follow their tweets and like them so that they will see your interactions on their timeline and hopefully start following you back!
The first thing you need to do if you want a celebrity to follow you on Twitter is finding someone who has the same interests as your account. They might be famous for their music, acting or even cooking! For this example, we’ll use Beyoncé.
To start following her tweets and favorite some of her posts so that she will see your interactions on her timeline and hopefully start following back. You can also retweet any updates from her account too, like pictures or videos that are posted by them both in real-time and old content too such as ‘Throwback Thursday’. This way they’ll notice how much love there is for them from people all across the world which could make them more likely to follow you back eventually since celebrities often want to interact with their fans.
In order to follow Beyoncé’s account, you need to find her profile and then click the ‘Follow’ button underneath it so that she will be notified of your interest in following them back.
7. Find something in common with the celebrity – maybe they’re from your city or you went to the same school.
This is the first step in your quest for a celebrity that will follow you on Twitter. If you can’t find anything to relate to them, it just doesn’t work. You need someone who shares interests and has similar experiences as well!
To do this, start by searching their name or looking up past tweets. Sometimes they include details about what they like to do outside of their career. From there, think of something else they may have tweeted about before and mention it in your request tweet (e.g., “I enjoy cooking too!”)
Take some time to browse through photos tagged #___ because sometimes celebrities post pictures revealing what brings them joy or things that are important to them. You might find a few things you have in common that can be the start of your tweet campaign!
8. Be persistent but not aggressive – if they don’t respond, wait a few days before trying again
This is an easy way to avoid coming off as desperate while still showing how much this means to you by being patient with getting what you want. Plus people like it when others follow up with them politely even if it takes time for them to get back.
If they don’t answer, be polite and move on – there’s always another person out there who will want what you’re offering! And remember that if somebody doesn’t follow you after a reasonable amount of time (like a few days), it might just mean that they are too busy or have simply lost interest in the account altogether. On the other hand, some people are happy with having more followers than following themselves so they ignore requests from others.”
If the person that you are trying to get a reply from is someone who posts frequently on Twitter, then there’s a good chance they will see your tweet. However, if you are going after somebody who doesn’t post very often or at all, then it might take longer for them to notice. The more popular they are online, the higher their chances of noticing and responding to your request!
9. Try again
If all else fails, try tweeting again after waiting a few days or weeks to see if anything has changed but don’t give up too soon! Sometimes it takes time before someone notices your tweet and starts following you back 🙂
Related- How to see who unfollowed you on Twitter