If you are using Twitter for a very long time you must have liked so 100’s or even 1000’s of tweets. Now when you want to search Twitter likes you must be asking a question to yourself Is there any way to view all twitter likes and how? In this article we will explain How to search twitter likes.
Even though there is a section on your Twitter profile by which you can view twitter likes history. Twitter normally shows around 50 likes at one time but what if you want to see your most liked tweets about a month or 2 months ago.
That’s where you need to find out the shortcut to access your “favorited”/liked tweets. After reading this article you will know how to see hidden likes on twitter.
How to Search Twitter Likes
Follow the steps below if you want to view all twitter likes.
1. To search Twitter likes or favorites, open your Twitter account and go to the profile section on the left side of your screen.
2. Once you are on your Twitter profile section, find the liked tab under your profile picture. This way you can see your old likes.
3. Once you click on Likes, scroll through the favorites.
Now you can’t access your oldest likes but you can take care of this in the future.
Automatically Save liked Tweets to a Google Spreadsheet Using IFTTT
So by now, you must have known that it is not easy to find what you have liked or favorited in the past. There is always a limit, especially with free tools.
So one thing you can do is automate this task of collecting your new Twitter likes. This way even if you have to access a year-old liked tweet you can find that too.
Let’s follow the process.
1. Create an IFTTT account if not have one.
2. Select the Twitter account and authorize it.
3. Create a Google Drive account and link it with twitter.
Once you connect your Twitter and G drive account create an IFTTT recipe such as:
IF I Like a tweet, THEN add this tweet to a specific Google Spreadsheet.
Now whenever you like a tweet, it will be automatically added to your Spreadsheet and saved in your google drive account.
Saving all your past Twitter likes
After I came to know that I can’t find a tweet that I liked some time ago, so I found a way by which we can save all of our past Twitter likes. This way you can filter by username or any word in the tweet. And it’s easy and free.
So let’s start
Step 1: Download all your Twitter data
By download your twitter data, you can get your all twitter likes archive in a file. From their you can search old twitter likes and new one. You can export each one from the Twitter archive zip file.
Log in to your Twitter account and open this page https://twitter.com/settings/your_twitter_data. Enter your password and click on the Confirm button. Now Request Archive. Once your Data is ready you will receive an email.
Download the file and unzip it. There you will see a number of .js
files. From them find the like.js
file. Something like below.

Step 2: Splitting the file and extracting full of info individual Tweet
To do this you need to use Python coding language. You can find the code here https://github.com/xoelop/get-twitter-likes
Download the code from the above Github link and unzip it. Now Copy the like.js
file from the first step in the Data folder you download from the above Github link.
is the main script and Once you run it, it will parse thelike.js
file. Then you need to connect to Twitter API to download individual tweets and save it into a CSV file.
For this you need to do two things
1. Get the access token by registering a new Twitter app here. It is necessary for Twitter API to connect.
2. Create an .env file in the root folder downloaded from Github and add your Twitter credentials which are
3. Install pipenv
if you don’t have it, doing pip install pipenv
4. run pipenv run python get_likes_to_csv.py

This way you will have your CSV file of all liked twitter in 1 minute.
Now to save it, Create a new sheet with Google Spreadsheet. Click on File > Import > Upload. Select the CSV file and You are done.
Why can’t I see all my Likes on Twitter
If your Twitter likes not showing on your Timeline then this is not a bug from Twitter. A user named Ross McLoughlin asked a question from a Twitter staff named @Andypiper where he replied that is not a bug.
It means if you are not seeing all of your likes then must be out of sync. If there has been no activity( reply, tweets, or retweets) on your Twitter account for some time say months or years then your account will be moved to archive storage.
That’s why the Twitter website is unable to show any recent activity.
That’s why most people think that Twitter “likes” are not working on their profile.
How to See Twitter Likes on a Tweet
First open the tweet by clicking on the date of the tweet. Then Click where it say “# Likes”. A list will show up with a list of all users who liked that tweet.
If you are unable to see everyone who liked your tweet it means there may be some locked users who liked your tweet. Locked users have set their profiles to Private.
You can only see any kind of interactions (tweets, replies, Likes, retweets, quoted replies) from them if already follow them.
Also Read:
Hi Daniel. Thanks for offering these solutions. However, the “Saving all your past Twitter likes” section is outdated.
The python script appears to be different. Xoel López Barata’s instruction requires setting up an account with Tinybird to ingest the twitter likes and export them to a csv for Google sheets.
If you have the old code, could you make it available as it does not seem to be in github.